The PinkSchoolBus is an enrichment provider of quality holiday camps, enrichment programmes and playdates for the 18 months to 12 year olds. We have a dedicated team who loves children and our core of pursuit is to ensure that every child not only has an enjoyable time but also be equipped with basic knowledge of the themes and subject matter of every interaction.

Our enrichment classes and holiday camps are designed with robust activities that are fun, interactive, engaging and educational. From them, children take home, a well-rounded and holistic educational journey.

Little Explorer Science Programme

Science enables us to know more about our surroundings and creates that link that our young can establish to the world around them. Our Little Explorer Science Programme is created to build the important skills of tactile, visual and audio learning, observation, exploration, reading, hands-on and creativity.

Through experiments, they also learn to form their own opinions and be courages to speak up and learn through and with their own problem solving skills acquired along the way.

Little Explorer Science Programme is designed specially for 4 to 6 year olds. It covers 10 basic topics of our environment. Each lesson is packed with notes, experiments and hands-on activities to nurture the love and curiosity for science. They are

  • Kitchen chemistry
  • Sink and Float
  • Balancing act
  • Air and Wind


Weekly programme of 1 hour per lesson

Weekend 11.30am to 12.30pm

Preparatory Smart Class

Science enables us to know more about our surroundings and creates that link that our young can establish to the world around them. Our Little Explorer Science Programme is created to build the important skills of tactile, visual and audio learning, observation, exploration, reading, hands-on and creativity. Through experiments, they also learn to form their own opinions and be courages to speak up and learn through and with their own problem solving skills acquired along the way.

The Preparatory SMART Class is designed specially for 18 months to 3 year olds who are learners of the English Language. It is built with a set of 5 essential components that will enable its learner to be equipped with the importance of purposeful play, reading through stories through different interesting themes. It is a model of a Singapore preschool curriculum.

1. Sensory activities facilitate exploration and naturally encourage children to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate and explore. In the Sensory component, we get the children to participate in messy play such as touching and feeling slime or coloured rice according to the themes introduced.

2. Activities such as scooping, stamping, promotes wrist control that will aid in writing and penmanship as children grow older. These motor skills aid in the growth of intelligence and develop continuously throughout the stages of human development. Activities for older children include cutting and pasting, stamping, complete puzzles and manipulate chunky crayons.

3. Appreciating beauty is aesthetics. It can stimulate children’s senses in the form of art, music, dance and drama with English songs and stories. A stimulating environment created for such activities will enable the child to make sense of his environment and enhance children’s learning and thinking.

4. Reading or being read to, is important to develop children’s early literacy skills, such as the ability to listen to and understand words. It also helps them go on to read successfully later in childhood. Age appropriate books are introduced as story sharing and introduction to the specific theme of the month.

5. Thematic activities and learning engage children effectively in providing for all the core subjects to be taught in an engaging and effective way. It helps them make connections to transfer knowledge, they learn and apply it in meaningful ways. Some themes include Our Body, My Family, Ocean Animals, Occupations, Animals and their Young etc.


Weekly Programme of 1 hour per lesson

Sat: 10am to 11am

Interest Form

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Whatsapp: (65) 9829 5900
Phone: (65) 9829 5900